
Showing posts from September, 2015

The Stress Response of Timeliness

*First essay written for my Comp 1 class - I received an A* I had finally made it. I had moved away from home and was settled not only in a new town, but a new state as well. I had received a track scholarship, not exactly at my dream school, but was willing to test the waters at a Junior College in El Dorado, Kansas.             Being from the city of Edmond, where the roofs of the houses are high, but the people’s noses are higher, where we believe Edmond could be it’s own state (even though it’s smaller than Tulsa, Jenks, and even Oklahoma City for that matter) I was not used to the marble-sized town of El Dorado. Not that I’m anything like the people in Edmond, not everybody is. I lived with my mom and our two dogs in a townhouse on the “poor end” of the “rich end” of Edmond; but still. In El Dorado after about 10PM the stoplights changed to a flashing yellow light, the streets resembled the streets of a desolate, abandoned town, and it was silent. Too silent. So far I was