
Showing posts from October, 2015

A Vision Without Action Is Merely A Dream

*Upon further discussion, the gal pal of mine who was the influence behind this title told me the title is actually from a song, but who doesn't love music* Yesterday morning as I stretched awake from my slumber, I did something I don't hardly ever do, I went straight for my phone. Now this is a little bit out of the norm for me because I don't ever get on my phone as soon as I wake up. I find it leaves me feeling a little cluttered, unfocused, and like I've just wasted a ton a time. But for some reason, that's what I decided to do on a rather wet, cold, and dreary Tuesday morning. Now I can admit I'm glad that I did because it all lead to this blog post. I decided on Twitter that morning. I didn't have class until 11 o'clock and as I had recently learned from my boyfriend, Twitter was like the next Google- you could search anything on there. I figured I'd be saving myself a little more time that would have been wasted had I chosen any other t