
Showing posts from April, 2016

Friends Are A Lot Like Glue

This post as been in the works for a while now. I've sort of shared this before, and I'll say it again, I take "brainstorming" quite literally. I toss an idea in to the cyclone of other ideas that are spinning around in my brain and wait until the storm clears to see the final picture. I don't write things out on paper (although once I begin writing I do hit the backspace button a lot), I don't make outlines or brain storm like most people do. I literally let the thunder roar and the rain pour. So with that being said, I've been sitting on this post for some time because unlike the other ones- where I have a general idea and break it down in to smaller thoughts- I've had a thousand microscopic thoughts that were not creating the "big picture", in fact, they were no where close. But, last night I had what I will call writer's revelation and what I needed to write about was, literally, right in front me. It all started because of a