
Showing posts from July, 2016

What A Revelation It Was When She Realized She Didn't Need To Settle

As I've gotten older--as we all have-- I've realized people like to meet some sort of standard. As human beings, we can't help it. Especially in today's world where we try to meet some made up standard that we need to receive a lot of "likes". We need to dress a certain way, not necessarily to be "cool", but because that is the standard. And if you really pay attention, you realize people do things based off of what they believe other people think they should be doing. Confused? Me too. Keep reading and I'll clarify... eventually. What a joy it is to say I have finished my freshman year of college!!! I am no longer a resident of the state of Kansas! I guess I might still be considering I'm still registered to vote there... I don't know and that's too much information that you don't care to know, so let's continue. I moved halfway back to Oklahoma in the middle of May. I say halfway because I only moved half of my stuff hom