
Showing posts from November, 2016

Nothing In This Life Scares You

Hey y'all!!! So I recently celebrated my own personal new year: I'm 20!! I haven't quite figured out how I feel about being 20 yet. I don't feel physically older, but I feel older emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. But those are all good things, I think! I had a fantastic birthday! I've been battling a fit of laryngitis. So I woke up with a fever and no voice but that didn't stop me from enjoying my birthday! The day started with my mom giving me her gift. As I'm sure any daughter can relate, mother's always pick THE BEST birthday cards! So after a few tears and opening the rest of my gifts we were out the door to get the day started! I say that as if we were actually dressed, ready, and off to some grand birthday adventure at 7 AM in the morning. We were actually in our pjs, headed to one of my favorite places to get coffee in the mornings... SONIC!! Now I enjoy a good tall caramel macchiato from Starbucks just as much as the next person, howev