
Showing posts from May, 2015

I Can't Sing - But This Is My Song

There's an old hymn and it goes (somewhat) as follows: "This is my story, This is my song." My story. For a long time, that concept ended with a question mark for me. My story? I had no idea. Or even worse, I thought I did. I've always known I was born to do something great. I felt confident that everything I did I would be somewhat successful at because that was (what I thought was) God's plan for my life. Just doing things, being good at them, and furthering His Kingdom along the way. Except it doesn't quite work like that. All throughout high school I was an avid track runner. I trained tirelessly and set goals to work towards each year. And starting from freshman year, I did improve each year. My continually decreasing times proved my growth, strength, speed, and endurance. I was on the road to winning state my senior. I was ranked top 10 in the state just about every year. And I planned on signing to an elite school, because I would be an el