I Can't Sing - But This Is My Song

There's an old hymn and it goes (somewhat) as follows:
"This is my story, This is my song."

My story. For a long time, that concept ended with a question mark for me. My story? I had no idea. Or even worse, I thought I did.

I've always known I was born to do something great. I felt confident that everything I did I would be somewhat successful at because that was (what I thought was) God's plan for my life. Just doing things, being good at them, and furthering His Kingdom along the way. Except it doesn't quite work like that.

All throughout high school I was an avid track runner. I trained tirelessly and set goals to work towards each year. And starting from freshman year, I did improve each year. My continually decreasing times proved my growth, strength, speed, and endurance. I was on the road to winning state my senior. I was ranked top 10 in the state just about every year. And I planned on signing to an elite school, because I would be an elite runner by my senior year. I thought that was exactly what God had planned for me because that was what I wanted so God was going to give it me, right??? Ha.

Needless to say, it didn't work out that way. This is when I learned NO IS AN ANSWER TOO!!!! Just about every plan I had for my life after senior year of high school, went in the exact opposite direction. And all a long I searched and wondered and prayed. I, being nothing but a mere human, questioned everything. I did everything I knew how to try to make sure God was "pleased" with me so there would be no reason for Him not to give me exactly what I wanted.

I laugh now at how wrong I was.

I discovered God was and is pleased with me!!! There's nothing I could do to shake off His love for me. He heard every single one of my prayers. He saw every struggle and sacrifice I made. He was with me all along. However, He had a different plan. He had a better plan!!! Just when I felt like my track career could've been nearing it's end, He literally dropped an amazing opportunity right in my lap. And not only did He give me exactly what I needed, but he's given me even more along with it! 

Now here I am, encouraging you dear reader, to never give up. Never lose hope. God will grant you the desires of your heart - even if it's shaped a little differently than you planned. His good and perfect will, will always outdo your own. 

So I sit here, as a high school graduate, knowing my story is just beginning. The rest is yet to unfold and I feel ready to tackle the world. I will let the Love of God sing into my life. And yeah I can't sing; but this is my song and I will sing right along with it.



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