
Showing posts from August, 2015

To the 3 of Us

How do you begin a post that you want to be extremely meaningful, full of wit, and to reach three different groups of the now high school seniors, the in-betweeners, and college freshman? Well I guess you do it like this. As I've gone through the transition of a high school graduate, an athlete in search of a permanent commitment, and I college freshman in a "new home", I've realized a lot. A lot that I was never aware of, and a lot I want you to know. To those eager and thriving high school seniors: welcome to what we now love to deem as "adulthood"! As an 18 year old senior, I used the phrase "now that I'm grown" more than I ever needed to (Primarily because I was not- and am still not- grown). This time is most known for "THE CHOICE"! The choice of where, and even if, you will continue your education and begin life on your own. As I look back, I was so excited for this choice. I got accepted to two schools that I'd alw