To the 3 of Us

How do you begin a post that you want to be extremely meaningful, full of wit, and to reach three different groups of the now high school seniors, the in-betweeners, and college freshman? Well I guess you do it like this.

As I've gone through the transition of a high school graduate, an athlete in search of a permanent commitment, and I college freshman in a "new home", I've realized a lot. A lot that I was never aware of, and a lot I want you to know.

To those eager and thriving high school seniors: welcome to what we now love to deem as "adulthood"! As an 18 year old senior, I used the phrase "now that I'm grown" more than I ever needed to (Primarily because I was not- and am still not- grown). This time is most known for "THE CHOICE"! The choice of where, and even if, you will continue your education and begin life on your own. As I look back, I was so excited for this choice. I got accepted to two schools that I'd always dreamed of going to, and spent countless hours digging into everyday detail I could about these schools. As I did this, I heard different things from different people from all directions. This all affected the way I felt about these schools. But here's what I want you, dear senior, to know, IT IS YOUR CHOICE! Never again will the term "the choice" be used, but instead, "MY choice"!!! I know it seems cliche and people may tell you you have different hindrances that influence why you can't go to a particular school, but I am living proof that that is in fact not the case! If you don't like somewhere, don't go! And if you do, go for it! It's YOUR life. And no one can tell you anything different.

To those anxious and excited in-betweeners: eh, yeah this stage kinda blows huh? More than likely you've settled on a school now. But you're not there yet! You're not in high school, you're not in college, and as the Katy Perry song says, you're literally in "the summer after high school". As high school ended, I was so ready for college to begin. As an athlete, I had no idea where I was headed but I knew I wanted to get there- and get there fast. Once I did commit to a school, I personally did what was best for me and committed to a large juco in Kansas (BUCO! Go Grizzlies!). And this is actually kind of funny because I had sworn since day one I would never ever ever EVER go to a junior college. But by the early beginning of summer, here I was signing a Letter of Intent to the best Junior College in Kansas. And I was ecstatic. And I felt that's how I should feel! But then the part nobody ever talks about begin to creep up on me. The sadness. You get sad as you realize you will be moving away (no matter how far it is). You start to realize you're mom doesn't come with you, you'll be living with someone you've never lived with before (even if you are bffs), and you'll be responsible for you, and only you. And yeah, that's enough to make you a tad bit sad. But I'm here to tell you, THAT IS OKAY! It's okay to feel those emotions, and all those emotions are very, very real! Acknowledge them, express them, and most importantly, accept them. Because I promise you, you are not alone. Many college students experience those emotions, even the people who seem as if they don't. How do I know this? Just ask them! Many people would love to tell their story and give you advice, including myself! And p.s., the sadness doesn't last forever.

To those new college freshman whose emotions are "!!!??!?!!?!": We made it!!! College classes start soon and we are thrilled to be sitting in our dorms (or even our rooms at home if you chose to stay there) and we are PUMPED! Not so much for the classes part but the fact that we now begin to experience life truly on our own. And although I can't give much advice to you because I've yet to fully experience it myself, I can say I'm right here with you. We're all experiencing different things, but we're all doing it together. We've made it. Life is ours for the taking. So let's live up to the stereotype type that our generation is selfish, and let's take it.

May you have a wonderful school year and the times of your lives.


*Thank you to my wonderful friends Grace Ann and Ms. Newman for your kind words and advice that inspired me to write this post.*


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