
Showing posts from February, 2016

Not Defeated, Defined, or Destroyed

Hello sweet friends, I'm so glad you once again found yourself reading my blog (& for those of you who are checking in for the first time, welcome!) People often ask me why it is I don't write more frequently. For those of you who follow me know I only write once a month or so. That is because every topic I write about I want to be "the right one". I want my words to impact lives in a positive way. I want my blogs to be for enjoyment, but also for encouragement, inspiration, & a few light-hearted laughs. So, I've been thinking about this post for a while now, & this morning, it finally hit me. So here I am, sitting in a local coffee shop in El Dorado, Kansas, writing to you. This is my second semester of college & it has been in absolutely every way, quite the experience. My freshman year has been a little bit different than others, as I go to school on a track scholarship. Which means, I'm a full-time student with a full-time job. I have o