
Showing posts from March, 2015

For the Love of People

It's 9 AM  on a Thursday morning and I am squeezed onto a bus with 34 other girls headed to Tulsa! There's no better time to be cuddled up next to the bus window and get to writing than right this very moment. This weekend shall be filled with laughter, chatter, and probably a few tears (did I mention I'm with 34 GIRLS?) but none the less this weekend should be one to remember. In between cheering on our basketball teams as they compete for the title of State Champions, I will be running in my first outdoor track meet of my senior year, so this weekend I feel as if I will be put to the ultimate test of strength, faith, and hope and ultimately pushed to my limit. Which is oddly thrilling. Being an 18 year old, trying to figure out what this beautiful life has in store for me can sometimes be overwhelming. Sometimes I feel as if I'm so booked that I am actually supposed to be two places at once (this weekend is a perfect example) and I feel as if I have finally bi

The Start of Something New

Today marks the very first time to make public anything I have ever written, (which is actually a little scary) and that is why I have chosen the title "The Start of Something New". Like most of my fellow senior classmates, I feel as if each day is leading me closer and closer to something new: college! So I thought why not now? Why not use now to begin the documentation of my life as I change, grow, and learn. It is my everyday hope to positively influence the people around me and what better way to reach even MORE people than a blog! I've had a desire to start a blog since the beginning of this year; however, with my busy schedule filled with what seems to be endless hours of track practice, busy evenings spent working on pageant stuff, and filling out just about every scholarship application I can get my hands on, I just simply never found the time. But with my decision to "start something new" comes my goal of not allowing time to control me, but me contro