
Showing posts from 2016

Nothing In This Life Scares You

Hey y'all!!! So I recently celebrated my own personal new year: I'm 20!! I haven't quite figured out how I feel about being 20 yet. I don't feel physically older, but I feel older emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. But those are all good things, I think! I had a fantastic birthday! I've been battling a fit of laryngitis. So I woke up with a fever and no voice but that didn't stop me from enjoying my birthday! The day started with my mom giving me her gift. As I'm sure any daughter can relate, mother's always pick THE BEST birthday cards! So after a few tears and opening the rest of my gifts we were out the door to get the day started! I say that as if we were actually dressed, ready, and off to some grand birthday adventure at 7 AM in the morning. We were actually in our pjs, headed to one of my favorite places to get coffee in the mornings... SONIC!! Now I enjoy a good tall caramel macchiato from Starbucks just as much as the next person, howev

What A Revelation It Was When She Realized She Didn't Need To Settle

As I've gotten older--as we all have-- I've realized people like to meet some sort of standard. As human beings, we can't help it. Especially in today's world where we try to meet some made up standard that we need to receive a lot of "likes". We need to dress a certain way, not necessarily to be "cool", but because that is the standard. And if you really pay attention, you realize people do things based off of what they believe other people think they should be doing. Confused? Me too. Keep reading and I'll clarify... eventually. What a joy it is to say I have finished my freshman year of college!!! I am no longer a resident of the state of Kansas! I guess I might still be considering I'm still registered to vote there... I don't know and that's too much information that you don't care to know, so let's continue. I moved halfway back to Oklahoma in the middle of May. I say halfway because I only moved half of my stuff hom

Friends Are A Lot Like Glue

This post as been in the works for a while now. I've sort of shared this before, and I'll say it again, I take "brainstorming" quite literally. I toss an idea in to the cyclone of other ideas that are spinning around in my brain and wait until the storm clears to see the final picture. I don't write things out on paper (although once I begin writing I do hit the backspace button a lot), I don't make outlines or brain storm like most people do. I literally let the thunder roar and the rain pour. So with that being said, I've been sitting on this post for some time because unlike the other ones- where I have a general idea and break it down in to smaller thoughts- I've had a thousand microscopic thoughts that were not creating the "big picture", in fact, they were no where close. But, last night I had what I will call writer's revelation and what I needed to write about was, literally, right in front me. It all started because of a

Not Defeated, Defined, or Destroyed

Hello sweet friends, I'm so glad you once again found yourself reading my blog (& for those of you who are checking in for the first time, welcome!) People often ask me why it is I don't write more frequently. For those of you who follow me know I only write once a month or so. That is because every topic I write about I want to be "the right one". I want my words to impact lives in a positive way. I want my blogs to be for enjoyment, but also for encouragement, inspiration, & a few light-hearted laughs. So, I've been thinking about this post for a while now, & this morning, it finally hit me. So here I am, sitting in a local coffee shop in El Dorado, Kansas, writing to you. This is my second semester of college & it has been in absolutely every way, quite the experience. My freshman year has been a little bit different than others, as I go to school on a track scholarship. Which means, I'm a full-time student with a full-time job. I have o

What To Do When It Feels Like You Aren't Doing

Happy New Year! This is my first post of 2016 & I'm psyched about it! Not only am I psyched about this post but I'm also psyched about the fact that it is indeed, a new year. New Year's Eve/Day is hands down my favorite holiday. I am a person who believes in hope, a bright future, & second chances. And that is exactly what this holiday holds. Along with those things comes (for some) the ever-so-thought-out New Year's Resolutions! For half of you, this causes too much anxiety and this group just aims to be all around "better". And then there are those like myself, you gain pure satisfaction from creating New Year's Resolutions. Now as I have gotten older, I've changed up the way I create my list of resolutions. This year, I waited until the actual New Year to make my resolutions. When I told my boyfriend I was doing this he jokingly responded "It's a new year; don't want the old you making the new resolutions anyways". I also