What To Do When It Feels Like You Aren't Doing

Happy New Year! This is my first post of 2016 & I'm psyched about it! Not only am I psyched about this post but I'm also psyched about the fact that it is indeed, a new year.

New Year's Eve/Day is hands down my favorite holiday. I am a person who believes in hope, a bright future, & second chances. And that is exactly what this holiday holds. Along with those things comes (for some) the ever-so-thought-out New Year's Resolutions! For half of you, this causes too much anxiety and this group just aims to be all around "better". And then there are those like myself, you gain pure satisfaction from creating New Year's Resolutions. Now as I have gotten older, I've changed up the way I create my list of resolutions. This year, I waited until the actual New Year to make my resolutions. When I told my boyfriend I was doing this he jokingly responded "It's a new year; don't want the old you making the new resolutions anyways". I also wrote my resolutions on my phone. Being a writer, I love being able to use pen & paper, but I always lose my resolutions list or end up tossing the notebook that had them in it. I wrote them on my phone so any time I think of them, I can glance back over them & remind myself of my goals. That's another aspect I changed up: instead of having "resolutions" such as "things I want to fix about myself" I decided to have more "goals" meaning things I want to accomplish throughout the year of 2016. I'll share a few with you-

5: Find satisfaction in God, not the world.
9: Eat clean.
13: Use good & lovely language.

This of course isn't all of them, but each one of my resolutions are more goal-oriented than not, which allows me to stay positive & hopeful in my desire to fulfill them.

But, it's all fun & games until you get to about March & you find yourself not really being satisfied in your resolutions. You end up letting go of the goals you held so tightly on to at the beginning of the year because of your busy schedule or the various other things that life could bring about. This has happened to me every single year! It's beyond frustrating; however, like in all things new, there's hope.

I find it has been so much easier to feel complete by knowing that my resolutions are all things to add to my life. Not things I'm punishing myself with because of a lack of positive behaviors in the year before. With this year, I noticed something different, something very similar to what I noticed on my birthday (see previous post for reference). With this new year, I'm no longer looking forward to something specific. In 2013, I was excited to turn 16, 2 years later, 18 & graduating. But now that those things have happened, I'm looking forward to nothing specific, but everything my life could become. It's now about creating myself, finding my place in this world. I strive to grow in Christ & truly begin my life, & for me, that is what 2016 is about!

So when you feel as if you're about to hit your hard place in your resolutions, think about hope. Think about the things you are hopeful for & the things you desire for 2016. It's different for everybody so go at your own pace, expecting yourself to be at the same place as someone else is only setting yourself up for unhappiness. Trust that God's plan is just that, HIS plan. Uniquely created for you, to bless you. No matter if it felt like it or not, He carried you through all the years before, He will not leave you this year. So what do you do when it feels like you aren't doing? You remember the hope that pushed you to start.

May you all have a wonderful new year filled with love, light, & a ton of fun.



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